berangan in english
Berangan in English. Translations in context of BUAH BERANGAN in malay-english. Fabienne Arabic Msa Learnarabiclanguage Learn Arabic Language Learning Arabic Learn Arabic Online How to say berangan in English. . How do you say berangan learn the. How to pronounce berangan. 1 Berangan - angan tentang perkara yang salah atau pada masa yang salah. Look through examples of Berangan translation in sentences listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Click for more detailed English meaning translation meaning pronunciation and example sentences. How do you say berangan in English. Hes got his head in the clouds. The municipality covers 465 square kilometres 180 sq mi and is on the peninsula of. 1 Daydreaming at the wrong time or about the wrong things. Robust with slightly coarse flesh and a full almost custardy flavour with well-balanced sweetness and acidity. English words for berangan-angan i...